Securing your admin with SSL

Securing your admin with SSL

Are you accessing your Admin using HTTPS? Never access your admin using a normal HTTP. Always use the HTTPS at the start of a web address.

To force your admin page to use a HTTPS connection you can modify your shopadmin.asp file.

Open shopadmin.asp (or whatever you have renamed this page to) in any text or html editor

Lines 1 and 2 of this file should read:

!--#include file="shop$db.asp"-->
!--#include file="shopmail.asp"-->

Immediately following these two lines, add the following code to force your admin to load in HTTPS mode:

Response.Buffer = True
If (Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS") = "off") Then
Dim xredir__, xqstr__

xredir__ = "https://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & _
xqstr__ = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

if xqstr__ > "" Then xredir__ = xredir__ & "?" & xqstr__

Response.redirect xredir__
End if

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