PayPal Website Payments Pro Troubleshooting

PayPal Website Payments Pro Troubleshooting

Problem: I receive the following error when trying to submit a transaction to PayPal Website Payments Pro:

error '80131534'
/paypalproapi.asp, line 17

Solution: This error indicates that there is an issue with the registration of the Paypal DLL files.

Try the following steps to fix this problem:

1. Download the .NET v 1.1 SDK from Microsoft and install it.

2. Locate RegAsm and gacutil on your computer (use the Windows Search facility).
RegAsm.exe should be in the folder to where you installed the .NET Framework SDK
gacuti.exel should be in your .NET Framework directory

3) Add the path to gacutil and RegAsm to your system PATH (see this tutorial for more information on this).

4) Run the following commands on paypal_base.dll which is in the SDK/bin folder.

gacutil /i paypal_base.dll

regasm paypal_base.dll /tlb:paypal_base.tlb

5) Restart IIS.

6) Try checking out again.

Problem: Certain card types are failing with different error codes.

An issue you may encounter with Paypal Pro is that Visa cards work correctly but MasterCard and Amex (American Express) cards fail giving different errors.

American Express may fail with a 10504 error saying that the card validation number was not correct.

The MasterCard may fail with an error saying that the card number was not correct.

Solution: The resolution to both of these issues is to ensure that the xcreditcardtypes setting in your VPASP configuration settings has the correct values entered.

Valid values for use with Paypal Pro are Visa,MasterCard,Discover,Amex

They are case sensitive and must be exactly as shown above


Problem: I receive the following error when trying to submit a transaction to PayPal Website Payments Pro:

Your credit card transaction failed
Either retry it
or select another payment method
Result code = 10002 Security header is not valid

Solution: When switching from the sandbox to the live site - you will need to use your live PayPal account's API credentials - (username/password/signature).

You need to ensure that you have updated your credentials in paypalproconfig.asp so they reflect those of your Paypal live account.

See the following page from Paypal which explains that the production server will return this error for invalid account credentials:

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Claire Banks
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