Administration Shop Statistics

Administration Shop Statistics


You can now view your sales statistics at a glance with our new Shop Statistics menu which can be found on the administration home page

The Shop Statistics are viewable to administrators with SUPER priveledges and can be switched on or off by changing the value of the xshowstatistics setting in your shop configuration

By default, the Shop Statistics display details for all "Processed" orders that have matched the "xendofordervalidpayments" setting

To remove these restrictions, you will need to edit the shopheaders.asp file.

There are three functions in this file that need to be modified:

  • Sub GetTodaysTotal
  • Sub GetMonthsTotal
  • Sub GetYearsTotal

To remove the restriction that only statistics for processed orders are displayed, comment out (by adding the single quote in front of each line) the following lines from each of the three sub routines:

'---ONLY SHOW PROCESSED ORDERS------------------------------------------------------
' Comment out these line to show all orders
'if (ucase(xdatabasetype)="SQLSERVER") or (getconfig("xmysql")="Yes") OR (instr(ucase(xdatabasetype), "MYSQL") > 0) then
' sql = sql & " AND oprocessed = 1"
' sql = sql & " AND oprocessed = TRUE"
'end if
'---END SHOW PROCESSED ORDERS--------------------------------------------------------

To remove the restriction that only statistics for orders that have matched the "xendofordervalidpayments" setting are displayed, comment out (by adding the single quotes in front of each line) the following lines from each of the three sub routines:

'Comment out the lines below to show all orders
'dim validpayments, types
'if instr(Getconfig("xendofordervalidpayments"), ",") > 0 then
' validpayments = split(Getconfig("xendofordervalidpayments"), ",")
' sql = sql & " AND ("
' for each types in validpayments
' sql = sql & " ocardtype = '" & types & "' OR"
' next
' sql = left(sql, len(sql) - 2)
' sql = sql & ")"
' sql = sql & " AND ocardtype = '" & Getconfig("xendofordervalidpayments") & "'"
'end if
'COMMENT ABOVE THIS LINE------------------------------------------------------

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