Not able to add multiple values on V8.1.0.1, and

Not able to add multiple values on V8.1.0.1, and

Not able to add multiple feature values to the cart, then this can be corrected as set out below...

1. Open up shopproductfeaturesprocess.asp in a text editor.

Locate the following lines at around line 74

'800 - 2016.01.08 - Bug Fix: Required feature is ignored while adding to cart in product listings page
'featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename))
if cdbl(Request(featurevaluename).count) >= 2 then
featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename)(1))
if featurevalue = GetLang("langCommonSelect") then
if trim(featurevalue) = "" then
on error resume next
featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename)(2))
on error goto 0
end if
end if
featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename))
end if

replaced above lines to:

'800 - 2016.01.08 - Bug Fix: Required feature is ignored while adding to cart in product listings page
'800 - 2016.06.07 - Bug Fix : Not able to add multiple feature values from v8.1.0.1 onwards
featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename))
' if cdbl(Request(featurevaluename).count) >= 2 then
' featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename)(1))
' if featurevalue = GetLang("langCommonSelect") then
' if trim(featurevalue) = "" then
' on error resume next
' featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename)(2))
' on error goto 0
' end if
' end if
' else
' featurevalue = CleanChars(request(featurevaluename))
' end if

3. Save and test.

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