PayPal Express Checkout Installation Guide for VPASP 7.00

PayPal Express Checkout Installation Guide for VPASP 7.00

PayPal Express Checkout is now built into VPASP 7.00 and above by default. Setting up PayPal Express Checkout is pretty straight forward, you simply need to enter your API Username, password and signature to enable PayPal Express Checkout on your shopping cart.

The following guide will begin with a brief explanation of what API credentials are, followed by a step by step guide on how to obtain your API credentials from PayPal and set the shopping cart up to use them.

What are API credentials?

Application Programming Interface (API) is the way in which two programs communicate with each other. To put it simply, it is like a phone call between two computers. In the case of PayPal API’s, scripts on your ecommerce store send an API ‘call’ to PayPal’s servers asking PayPal to do something for your site (e.g. accept a payment).

API Credentials are the information sent to PayPal to identify who is making the request, similar to caller ID on a phone call.

PayPal's API credentials consist of an API username and password (not the same ones you use to log in to, as well as a third piece of information - either a signature or a certificate. You only require one of either a signature or a certificate, they both serve the same purpose. With your VP-ASP store you will use the signature method.

How to obtain your PayPal API Username,Password and Signature

1. Log into your PayPal account.

2. Click Profile.

3. Next, click 'My Selling Tools'.

4. Now locate 'Manage API Credentials to integrate my PayPal account with my online store or shopping cart' and click 'Update'

5. If you have never requested API credentials from your PayPal account, you'll see a 'Request API credentials' link in the Option 2 box, click it.

6. Select 'Request API signature' then click 'Agree and Submit.

7. Your API Username,Password and Signature will now be displayed, write them down then click the 'Done' button

How to Enable PayPal Express Checkout on VPASP 7.00

1. Log into your VPASP administration page.

2. Select Advanced Settings -> Software Configuration

3. Search for 'Paypal' (without the quotes) on the search box to the left.

4. Use the following configurations :

  • xPayPal_Express_Checkout : Yes
  • xPayPal_API_UserName : Your API Username
  • xPayPal_API_Password : Your API Password
  • xPayPal_API_Signature : Your API Signature

5. Paypal Express Checkout is now enabled !

Other Issues

If you have questions or issues with the latest PayPal Express Checkout, please submit a ticket to our helpdesk at

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