SQL functions not able to be used for Query Manager (SQL Server)

SQL functions not able to be used for Query Manager (SQL Server)

SQL functions not able to be used for Query Manager if your database is SQL Sserver

To fix this issue, please make the changes as below:

1. Open admin\admin$db.asp

2. Locate below line, estimate line 652 (within routine function GenPageSQL (mysql,mypagesize,mypage))

if len(mysql) <= 0 then
GenPageSQL = ""
exit function
end if

3. Below, please add

if ucase(xDatabaseType) = "SQLSERVER" then
dim tempsql,sqlfunctions,icnt
tempsql = mysql
sqlfunctions = array("avg(","count(","first(","last(","max(","min(","sum(")
for icnt = 0 to uBound(sqlfunctions)
if instr(lcase(tempsql),sqlfunctions(icnt)) > 0 then
GenPageSQL = mysql
exit function
end if
end if

4. Save and test.

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