How to Insert a Survey Into Your VPCart using Survicate

How to Insert a Survey Into Your VPCart using Survicate

This helpnote will guide on how to insert a third party survey system called Survicate into your VPCart 9 site.

First, you will need to register an account with Survicate by going to their site and click the SIGN UP button.

After registered and logged in to their site, you can create your own new survey or select existing survey template.

If your survey is ready, please go to top right Setting icon and locate the Tracking code menu.

Locate the "Web Tracking Code" and in the "Manual installation" big text box, please copy the entire code there.

Now login to your VPCart 9 administration and go to top menu: Website > Layout Manager

Click Add Box button in the center column (near the Blogs Highlights).

You will see a new empty box is showing, then click the yellow edit icon.

In the right panel, select Body Free Text.

Next, set the following fields value:

Enable: Yes
: Yes
: [leave empty]
: 99
: No
: Click the source button as shown below:

Then in the big text box, please paste your copied Survicate code into it.

After you have pasted it, you can click the Source button again as shown below:

Click Save button once done.

Now, you can go to your front store and the survey should be displayed at the bottom right as shown below:

For customers that already take the survey, the survey widget will be off automatically.

Happy Selling!

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Wilson Keneshiro
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