Security fix: XSS for onfocus/autofocus keyword and improved error handling

Security fix: XSS for onfocus/autofocus keyword and improved error handling

We have been working with Nicholas Lemonias from the Advanced Information Security Corporation and Nicholas has identified a low impact security vulnerability.

Please apply below fix as below:

Modify shop$db.asp

1a. Open shop$db.asp

1b. Locate below line within routine function CleanChars(strWords)

badChars = array("select ", "drop ", "--", "insert into", "delete from","xp_","char(","@@","|","<script",".js","onload","alert(","xss","onmouseover","document.cookie","convert(","<iframe","cast(","nvarchar","varchar","chr(","exec(","%00","expression(","onevent","onclick","echo ")

1c. change the code to:

badChars = array("select ", "drop ", "--", "insert into", "delete from","xp_","char(","@@","|","<script",".js","onload","alert(","xss","onmouseover","document.cookie","convert(","<iframe","cast(","nvarchar","varchar","chr(","exec(","%00","expression(","onevent","onclick","echo "," onfocus"," autofocus")

1d. Save

2. Apply better error handling

2a. Open shop$db.asp

2b. Locate the following line around line 1967


2c. Change to:

'702 - 2014.11.05 - Enhancement: Better handling if order unusual quantity on products
on error resume next
if err.number <> 0 then
end if
on error goto 0

2d. Save and test to ensure all is working properly.

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