UPS Registration Wizard Showing Error

UPS Registration Wizard Showing Error

If you are the first time to use VPCart UPS module, and after you have installed the UPS module, and try to register your UPS from the VPCart administration by clicking the link "Add UPS Real-Time Shipping". On the Registration Wizard step 3, you might have entered all of your UPS details and then click Next button. VPCart then will return error message like below eg:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: 'wordloc'
/vpasp8/shopping/admin/shopa_ups_license_3.asp, line 0

To fix the issue above, please follow the steps below:

1) Open the file shopupsincludes.asp located in the root of your VPCart site using notepad or text editor.

2) Locate this code in the top of the file:

dim pos, workrecord, words(2000), wordloc, wordcount, morewords

3) Please change to:

dim pos, workrecord, words(3000), wordloc, wordcount, morewords

4) Save the file and upload to your site.

Basically the above fix will increase the array size for variable words from 2000 to 3000.

You can continue with UPS registration after the above change and it should work ok.

For VPCart 8.00 customers, you can just download our latest UPS module at:

And then simply grab the file shopupsincludes.asp from the latest module to replace your VPCart site file shopupsincludes.asp.

If you have any further questions about this, you can submit a ticket into our helpdesk at:

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Wilson Keneshiro
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