How to enable multiple currencies on PayPal

How to enable multiple currencies on PayPal

VP-ASP currently only sends the default currency to PayPal. If your site allows the customers to shop in multiple currencies, you may want to apply the following minor modification to allow VP-ASP to send the selected currency.

We currently have two PayPal modules, standard and IPN. Please apply the modification according to your version.

PayPal Payments Standard for VP-ASP 7.00 and above

1. Using your preferred text or HTML editor, open the file paypalgateway.asp

2. Locate the following code :

CurrencyCode = getconfig("xPayPal_CurrencyCode")

3. Modify the code above to :

currencyCode = getsess("cid")

4. Locate the following code :


5. Modify the code above to :

amount=orders("orderamount") * getsess("conversionvalue")

6. Save and upload the file back to your server.

PayPal Payments Standard (using IPNs) for VP-ASP 7.00 and above

1. Using your preferred text or HTML editor, open the file paypalipnconfig.asp

2. Locate the following code :

CurrencyCode = getconfig("xPayPal_CurrencyCode")

3. Modify the code above to :

currencyCode = getsess("cid")

4. Open the file paypalipngateway.asp using a text or HTML editor

5. Locate the following code :


6. Modify the code above to :

amount=orders("orderamount") * getsess("conversionvalue")

7. Save and upload the file back to your server.

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